Greetings Dear Customers!
Let me announce this - Gantt 1.3 is released.
Greetings Dear Customers!
Let me announce this - Gantt 1.3 is released.
I´ve successfully tried your earlier version with dataload from xml. Recently upgraded to this version and now I can´t load data from xml. Even your example in the compressed download fails to load data from xml (dhtmlxGantt\samples\02_data_load\3_loadxml.html). Any idéas?
I debugged the javascript and something goes wrong in the xmlLoader function.
[var projectArr = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("//project");] - returns an empty array.
I removed comments on following lines:
//var prArr = [];
//var tsArr = [];
//var rootTagProject = this.xmlLoader.getXMLTopNode(“projects”);
Now laod data from xml works again…
What is your browser/environment? It works for me just fine. Seems your web server does not handle .xml extension correctly. But i need more information from you to be able to help.