I’m using Version 6.2 and my question is: how can I make Gantt DHTMLX work the same way as MSProject but not only for imports? One solution that I found was to subtract 1 day from End date, but this did not solve my problem, would there be another way to do it?
I would prefer that when the duration is equal to 1, the start date and end date should be the same.
Hello Marcio,
It seems that by default in MS Project, the work time is turned on, and the duration is calculated in hours. With that configuration, a task will never start at the beginning of the day (00:00). Instead, it will fit the 08:00-17:00 hours. Though you can see the same dates in the grid, the hours are different.
If you remove the calendar, the task will still have the duration of 8 hours: