Gantt doesn't scroll properly on touch devices

When I try to scroll a Gantt by swiping on a touch device (both Surface/Windows 11/Edge and iPad), the page moves a bit before snapping back on release, but the Gantt chart does not scroll. When the scrollbars on the Gantt show on the Surface, then tapping on the scrollbars will scroll the Gantt, but it’s not easy as the scrollbars are tiny / don’t always show.

If I do the same thing on other pages on the same site (that don’t have Gantts), they scroll as normal.

If I use my Windows laptop, using touchpad gestures to scroll the Gantt works perfectly.

Are there any known issues regarding scrolling with touch?
I’m using v8.0.6 Professional

Hello Scott,
I think the issue can occur because the browsers on tablets show the site version for PC. As a result, Gantt doesn’t add the necessary handlers and configuration that is used on the mobile devices.

You can try adding the following configuration to force Gantt to work as for the mobile devices:

gantt.config.touch = "force";

Here is an example in the snippet: