Gantt Export Service returning bad file


I have the ‘dhtmlxGantt - Enterprise License’ and am trying to use the Exporter Service 5.0 provided with it.

I have followed the instructions in a Windows machine, i can launch the application with npm start and its listening on port 3200.

However, if i open /test/smoke-test-everything.html file and click the Gantt > node.js > PNG button, it returns a bad png with contents: ‘Connection closed:connection_1611148532773’

This is the console log:

> gantt-pdf@0.5.5 start
> node index.js

Working in standalone mode
User Check started
app listening at http://localhost:3200

- Incoming request - Wed Jan 20 2021 13:15:32 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)
[source] root, undefined
queue.push { done: [Function: done] } connection_1611148532773
Request data parse 2021-01-20T13:15:32.782Z
[target] png, gantt.png
tempFolder  C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/
tempname  C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/page2416667523.html data undefined
Target version 7 string
template folder C:/filiptemp/gantt/png/../templates/
Connection closed! connection_1611148532773
availableVersions [
  '7.0', '6.2',
  '6.0', '5.1',
  '5.0', '4.2',
  '4.0', '3.2',
Selected templateVersion: 7.0
templateFilename:  gantt-7.0-template.html
Template ready. Ready to start Electron 2021-01-20T13:15:32.815Z
Before starting electron connection_1611148532773 C:\filiptemp\gantt\png
connection_1611148532773 : finished
Saved dummy file: C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/gantt.png 2021-01-20T13:15:32.844Z
Export end 2021-01-20T13:15:32.844Z
return_file:  C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/gantt.png
After convert function 2021-01-20T13:15:32.855Z
[ok] 0kb in 68ms

If I select ‘online’ instead of node.js then it works as expected.

Any ideas to make this work locally?

Also, I can;t find the email for technical support on the website - I think as a paid licence customer I can avail of that service, unless its not available for any licence.

The Connection closed message means that something interrupted the connection between the export module and the opened tab in the browser.
You need to make sure that the firewall, antivirus, or Windows policy don’t close the connection.

There is no support team email on our website.
To contact the support team, you need to find the email with the license and follow the instructions.