I have the ‘dhtmlxGantt - Enterprise License’ and am trying to use the Exporter Service 5.0 provided with it.
I have followed the instructions in a Windows machine, i can launch the application with npm start and its listening on port 3200.
However, if i open /test/smoke-test-everything.html file and click the Gantt > node.js > PNG button, it returns a bad png with contents: ‘Connection closed:connection_1611148532773’
This is the console log:
> gantt-pdf@0.5.5 start
> node index.js
Working in standalone mode
User Check started
app listening at http://localhost:3200
- Incoming request - Wed Jan 20 2021 13:15:32 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)
[source] root, undefined
queue.push { done: [Function: done] } connection_1611148532773
Request data parse 2021-01-20T13:15:32.782Z
[target] png, gantt.png
tempFolder C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/
tempname C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/page2416667523.html data undefined
Target version 7 string
template folder C:/filiptemp/gantt/png/../templates/
Connection closed! connection_1611148532773
availableVersions [
'7.0', '6.2',
'6.0', '5.1',
'5.0', '4.2',
'4.0', '3.2',
Selected templateVersion: 7.0
templateFilename: gantt-7.0-template.html
Template ready. Ready to start Electron 2021-01-20T13:15:32.815Z
Before starting electron connection_1611148532773 C:\filiptemp\gantt\png
connection_1611148532773 : finished
Saved dummy file: C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/gantt.png 2021-01-20T13:15:32.844Z
Export end 2021-01-20T13:15:32.844Z
return_file: C:/filiptemp/tempFolder/gantt/png/gantt.png
After convert function 2021-01-20T13:15:32.855Z
[ok] 0kb in 68ms
If I select ‘online’ instead of node.js then it works as expected.
Any ideas to make this work locally?
Also, I can;t find the email for technical support on the website - I think as a paid licence customer I can avail of that service, unless its not available for any licence.