gantt.ext.formatters.durationFormatter is giving issue while exporting data to excel sheet

Today I have found a weird issue where gantt.ext.formatters.durationFormatter is giving issue while exporting data to excel sheet.

The duration column is empty.

here is the screenshot:

name:“Project Scheduling.xlsx”,
{ id:“text”, header:“Task Name”, width:50 },
{ id:“duration”, header:“Duration”, width:10 }

when i set the above to

name:“Project Scheduling.xlsx”

this gives me blank page.

Hello Singh,
We are aware of that issue. It occurs because we expect the Number type for the column that has the duration name. As formatters require using the template function, you can return any value there. And you no longer need to use the duration name for the column. If you change it to a different name, the export should work correctly:
We’ll add that information to our documentation articles.