Uncaught TypeError: Object function (t){for(var e in t)dhtmlx[e]=t[e];return dhtmlx} has no method ‘extend’ dhtmlx.js:2429
dhtmlXDataView dhtmlx.js:2429
I want to include gantt into an existing project. I included the dhtmlxgantt.js and created a DIV attached the DIV to layout cell called gantt.init(“gantt_div”) and received the above error.
Is it possible to add the gantt chart to an accordion cell. When used gantt by itself all works fine. When I try to add the gantt chart to an accordion cell inside a 3J layout I get all sorts of error.
assert method
extend method
node does not exist
I am using dhtmlx suit pro 3.6 and your latest gantt 2.0.
Can you use gantt chart whth dhtmlx suit.
Please update the dhtmlxgantt.js with attached one.
Now you will be able to use gantt with other dhtmlx components on the page. Also you can use attachGantt method of layout’s cell to init gantt in the target cell.
When including files on the page, be sure to include dhtmlxgantt.js after dhtmlxcommon.js
dhtmlxgantt.attach.zip (33.6 KB)
Order of include with the latest code:
Error when using attachGantt()
Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘attachGantt’
Change Order:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘fromHTML’ of undefined ftypes.js:3
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (t){for(var e in t)dhtmlx[e]=t[e];return dhtmlx} has no method ‘extend’
I am using the full standard library of 3.6 pro - do I have to use separate include for each ui ?
Please check the attached sample
g-dhx.zip (629 KB)
Thanks for the demo it works for the layout. I am trying to add to accordion.
I have attached a demo of just the layout from the code and I am still receiving errors in the javascript console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘fromHTML’ of undefined ftypes.js:3
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (t){for(var e in t)dhtmlx[e]=t[e];return dhtmlx} has no method ‘extend’
Following from the previous post. I have attached a screenshot of the errors.
This only occurs when I include the dhtmlxgantt.css and dhtmlxgantt.js. The uncaught typeError for ftypes.js only occurs when these files are included. The other error always occurs when I include the gantt files.
I can so you a live view without the gantt files if you PM me.
Unfortunately I can’t reconstruct the issue.
If it still occurs - please send a full sample or demo link to the support@dhtmlx.com
There error occurs every time I use a dataview
Attached is a sample code that generates the error:
SCRIPT438: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘extend’
dhtmlx.js, line 2429 character 68
sample.zip (359 KB)
Please try to use the updated version of dhtmlxGantt
s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipcha … xgantt.zip