I am preparing mock up for a project proposal which I intended to use gantt library. I have a use case that need to use API to change task start and end day.
After I changed one of the child task to a later date, the parent project task type could not automatically adjusted to its children’s start date.
var tasks = {
{“id”:“1”, “text”:“Project #1”, “start_date”:“01-04-2013”, “duration”:18,
“progress”:0.4, “owner”: “Alex”, “open”: true ,“type”: gantt.config.types.project },
{“id”:“6”, “text”:“Project #x”, “start_date”:“01-04-2013”, “duration”:18,
“progress”:0.4, “owner”: “Alex”, “open”: true, “parent”:“1” },
{“id”:“5”, “text”:“Project #2”, “duration”:18, “type”: gantt.config.types.project
,“progress”:0.4, “owner”: “Alex”, “open”: true, “parent”:“1” },
{“id”:“2”, “text”:“Task #1”, “start_date”:“31-03-2013”, “duration”:8,
“progress”:0.6,“owner”: “Alex”, “parent”:“5” },
{“id”:“3”, “text”:“Task #2”, “start_date”:“11-04-2013”, “duration”:8,
“progress”:0.6, “owner”: “Alex”, “parent”:“5”},
{“id”: “4”, “text”: “Release v1.0”, “start_date”: “10-04-2013”, “order”: “3”,
“type”: gantt.config.types.milestone, “parent”: “3”, progress: 0, “owner”: “Alex”, open: true}
{“id”:“2”, “source”:“2”, “target”:“3”, “type”:“0”},
{“id”:“3”, “source”:“3”, “target”:“4”, “type”:“0”}
gantt.config.scale_unit = “week”;
gantt.config.show_errors = false;
//change start date of one of the child task
task2 = gantt.getTask(2);
task2['start_date'] = new Date("2013","3", "01");
After changing this start date, the parent task with id=5 cannot adjust its start date after 10 April, 2013 even if I slide task(2) using the GUI with a start date after 10 April, 2013