Gantt resizer and horizontal scrollbar does not work on touch device

added to config:

grid_elastic_columns: true,
layout: {
    cols: [
        rows: [
            scrollX: 'gridScroll',
            scrollY: 'scrollVer',
            scrollable: true,
            view: 'grid',
          { group: 'horizontal', id: 'gridScroll', view: 'scrollbar' },
        width: 200,
      { resizer: true, width: 1 },
        rows: [
          { scrollX: 'scrollHor', scrollY: 'scrollVer', view: 'timeline' },
          { group: 'horizontal', id: 'scrollHor', view: 'scrollbar' },
      { id: 'scrollVer', view: 'scrollbar' },
    css: 'gantt_container',
  touch: 'force',

global styles: touch-action: auto !important;

resize and scrollX don’t work on touch device
please tell me what else I need to pay attention to in order to solve the problem?
works correctly on the desktop version

Hello Yana,
Could you please let me know which specific touch device you are using and which browser?

browser - google\opera gx\mi browser for android
touch device - different touch devices or look in devtools (iPhone 15 pro\ Xiaomi redmi note 8 pro)

The behavior is often different, sometimes the sensor works, sometimes it doesn’t. resize never works on touch devices.

as if it doesn’t depend on the browser/device
as if the html is generated differently every time

I tested resize/scroll on several physical devices (Android/iPhone), and it works as expected. However, when testing through DevTools’ device emulation in touch browsers, I can confirm it does not work properly. This is due to differences in how touch events are handled in DevTools versus physical devices. Nevertheless, I have forwarded this issue to the development team for further investigation. I will keep you updated if there is any new information.

Do I understand correctly: resize is a gantt function for pro versions?
If scrolling sometimes works crookedly, then resize does not work at all on touch devices

what version of gantt do you have?
we have 7.0.8 pro (the license seems to be outdated)

more precise question:
Maybe the resize function does not work due to an outdated license?


Do I understand correctly: resize is a gantt function for pro versions?

Yes, that’s correct.

what version of gantt do you have?

I am from technical support and have access to all versions.

Maybe the resize function does not work due to an outdated license?

After the license expires, all functionalities built into the version remain active, but only the services provided according to the license will expire, as outlined here: DHTMLX Licensing.