Hi, everyone. I implemented a function for a custom scale. It is a very simple function.
With works fine some time. Right now I find that on “halfHour” level minutes are starting from current time minutes
private get ganttZoomConfigLevels() {
return [
name: 'halfHour',
min_column_width: 80,
scales: [
{ unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%d %M' },
{ unit: 'hour', step: 1, format: '%H:%i', },
{ unit: 'minute', step: 30, format: '%i' }
name: 'hour',
min_column_width: 120,
scales: [
{ unit: 'month', step: 1, format: '%M %Y' },
{ unit: 'day', step: 1, format: '%d %M' },
{ unit: 'hour', step: 1, format: '%H:%i' }
name: '3hours',
min_column_width: 120,
scales: [
{ unit: 'month', format: '%M %Y', step: 1 },
{ unit: 'day', format: '%d %M', step: 1 },
unit: 'hour',
format: this.ganttIntervalRangeFormat(3),
step: 3