Generic Nested JSON <-- read/write --> TreeGrid (How?)


I have standard, generic, nested JSON that I need to move in and out of a TreeGrid.

TreeGrid has no prebaked method to do this (the current JSON functionality requires DHX specific JSON).

I would really appreciate help and ideas on how to do this.

Thank you so much!

Here is an example of the typical JSON I’m dealing with (it’s from Mongo/NoSQL).

{ "_id": "uniqueidhere", "NpcResponses": [{ "Challenge": "Hello there traveler!", "PlayerResponses": [{ "Keywords": ["hello","hi"], "NpcResponses": [{ "Challenge": "Would you [mind] doing something for me?", "PlayerResponses": [{ "Keywords": ["mind","sure","ok"], "NpcResponses": [{ "Challenge": "Please [take] this bag of sugar to the stable master.", "PlayerResponses": [{ "Keywords": ["ok","take","yes"], "NpcResponses": [{ "Challenge": "Thank you, you are most kind.", "Event": "AVP_QST_BagOfSugar01" }] }, { "Keywords": ["no"], "NpcResponses": [{ "SetMood": "Disappointed", "Challenge": "Oh well, have a nice day." }] }] }] }, { "Keywords": ["no"], "NpcResponses": [{ "Event": "Set Mood Disappointed", "Challenge": "Never mind, I'll find someone else to help me." }] }] }] }] }] }

Unfortunately it is bot available to operate with the provided json in the dhtmlxTreegrid.
You may only use the supported json formats: … _json.html - dhtmlx format … json2.html - plain format

Yes, I understand it’s not provided. Lack of standard JSON support such as is output from NoSQL databases is a huge feature gap. You should really consider adding this.

So in the meantime, I am looking for suggestions on how to work around this. Any thoughts anyone? Please?