Get all events for a unit between dates?

I know there is a function to get all events:


It would be useful for a generic function to get all events for a particular property (i.e. section_id). (Maybe there is already something there and I have not stubmled across it!) :slight_smile:

Thought it might be useful if it came with the scheduler library??:

Something like (This is just an example and does not work):

function scheduler.getEventsForProperty (StartTime,EndTime,Property,MatchValue)
var evs = scheduler.getEvents(StartTime,EndTime);
var arrayEventIds[];
    for (var i=0; i<evs.length; i++){
        if (evs[i].Property == MatchValue){
            // Code (build-a list of all your events for this section for this time period.
    return arrayEventIds;


scheduler.getEventsForProperty (new Date(2001, 0,1),new Date(2001, 0,1),"section_id",25);

… would return all the events for section_id β€œ25” between these two dates.

I love the work you have done with DHTMLxScheduler!

There is no built in method for such task in current version, but it looks as useful addition.
Most probably we will add ability to use extra filtering criteria as part of getEvents method.

Thanks for interesting suggestion.