Get level wise checked items

Is there any functionality to get the checked items level wise

For example









if i check 1.2.1 and 2.1 i need to get the checked ids in a level wise that is first i need to get 1,2 then 1.2,2.1 and then 1.2.1

Please check and do reply

Thanks & Regards


In case of 3states checkboxes, method getAllCheckBranches founds the checked ids and only then partially checked.

Unfortunately, there is no other functionality.

If you want you can create own method, which will iterate though all nodes and gather items which 1 or 2 checked state:

- isItemChecked(itemId) - returns 0,1 or 2

- getSubItems(itemId) - returns the list of all subitems ids from the next level of tree