get object reference in a window

how do you get a reference to an object contained in a window? if I open a new window, adding an url to it, how do I access the elements in this window? there must exist something like parent.window(thisName).thisObject or maybe opener or something similar, but I cannot find it out by testing; anybody knows the answer?

We will add more easy way to access inner window in next version of component for now it may be accessed as


( kind of ugly , but it works )

This does not work for me.  I do this -


and get an Object is NULL error.

You can try to use attached js file instead of original one, it allows to acces the inline document directly as
    window(name)._frame.contentWindow (15.1 KB)

After some Time of research , this function gives me the window.object

function getWindow(wndName){

return dhxWins.window(wndName).firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.firstChild.contentWindow;


again kind of ugly, but working fo me

it would be fine to have this as a standard feature.



We will add native API method with similar functionality in oncoming update.

I’ve tried the approaches noted in this post, but my only success is in receiving errors (_frame.contentWindow or childNodes[2] or whatever). I am loading window using attachHTMLString, and then trying to access some content from the parent (i.e., parent-to-child, not child-to-parent using parent.xxxx). I’m using v2.5. Was there ever an autosize feature added???

Here is the approach that can be used in you load content into an iframe (attachURL method)

In case of attachHTMLString you just need to call document.getElementById method to get html element

Thanks. I’ve got a utility dialog window function (e.g., “Do you really want to delete…”) which I can now dynamically auto-size (expand or contract) to encapsulate all content.