Get parent and direct children of a row


Is there a way to get the parent row of a given row ?
And is there a way to get the direct children rows of a given row ?

My object is a dhtmlXGridObject with a tree in the first column.
I’ve found the grid.getAllSubItems(rowId) method but it returns all the subrows.

There is no way to “navigate” through the tree of a treegrid ?

Thank you for your answers.

EDIT : I’m sorry, i did not see that the treegrid api was valid with this component.
the getParentId(rowId) works perfectly and i’m sure that i will find a method to get the children ;

And is there a way to get the direct children rows of a given row ?

var child = grid.getSubItems(id);

It returns only direct children of the row.

Yes, it works. Thanck you.