Get task_id from lightbox

I need to create radio/checkbox field from the task data/properties, how could I do do that? Anyone?

Need something like

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
    {name:"description", height:38, map_to:"text", type:"textarea", focus:true},
    {name:"users",type:"radio", map_to:"users", options:getUsers(task_id)},
    {name:"time", height:72, type:"duration", map_to:"auto"}

My plan is, If Im able to pass the task_id to getUsers() then it will return the options array; is this a correct way?

Hello Sarwar,
When you set options for the lightbox section, it is a static array. Gantt will build a form using it and won’t update it even if you change the values in the array.

If you want to change the array, you need to use the resetLightbox method to rebuild the form.

Or you can create the serverList array:
Then you can modify its values with the updateCollection method:
After that, Gantt will rebuild the lightbox form. If the lightbox is open at that time, it will be closed.

You can modify the array with the options in the onBeforeLightbox event handler:

Here is an example of how it can be implemented:

Thanks a lot @ramil it helped! Cheers!

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