Get user id within scheduler_include

I have made some adaptions within scheduler include, also some fields should be shown only for special users.
Therefore I changed scheduler_include.html to scheduler_include.php, but I can’t find a way to retreive the current user id. All the standard wordpress functions don’t work inside this file.
Does anyone know how to fix this or has a workaround? That would be great!

Thank you in advance!

code inside scheduler_include.html is included in scheduler’s code as is, so php code inside this file will be added at page just as a text.
You should locate php-logic inside dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php.

Thank you for the hint, I’ll try to find out how I’ll solve this issue…

This is harder as I thought it would be! Does anybody have a clou how to work around, meaning not using file_get_contents?

I’m kind of stuck here, so I would really appreciate your help!

have a look at file dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php. It has a method schedulerInit which generates code of scheduler.
Scheduler code is added into variable $scheduler. User id is in variable $this->userid.