Getting cols and rows count

How can i get the rows and cols count after import from excel?

Any solution? Also i noticed that if the number of columns in the configuration is less that the number of columns that are availbale after the import, when u delete the last column it throws an error. I tried with rows too but no error is thrown.

Also, for example if the configuration is with 3 rows and 3 cols and after the import there are 10 rows and 10 cols. if i try to access the rows and cols from config only the rows count has changed. If i delete dome rows and then try to access the rows and cols count from the config object they keep staying the same count no matter that i have deleted some…

Pretty confusing…

Hello Nikolai.

I apologize for the delay with the reply.
Unfortunately there is no method to get the number of the filled rows and columns in the spreadsheet.

Thank you for your report the problems are confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in the future spreadsheet updates.

Hello Nikolai.

we have fixed your reported problem in the latest 4.0.2 dhtmlxSpreadsheet update.
Please, try to download the latest package from your client’s zone to frix the problem.

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