Getting Gantt Pro 8 working with Vue 3

Hi there,

I have got Gantt Pro 8 working in Vue 2. I basically have a component GanttChart which has the following imports:

import '@services/dhtmlx-gantt-chart/dhtmlxgantt.js';
import '@services/dhtmlx-gantt-chart/dhtmlxgantt.css';

The dhtmlxgantt.js is a webpack build output file. Then on the mounted I have the following to get a GanttChart instance:

const ganttChart = Gantt.getGanttInstance();

Now I am trying to use Vue 3 but the .js file won’t work so I decided to download the latest copy and thought I could simply change the dhtmlxgantt.js file to the latest Pro version not built using Webpack. The file starts with the following.


dhtmlxGantt v.8.0.6 Professional

But I get an error Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: Gantt is not defined

So I am not sure how to get this “installed” for Vue 3. I tried to follow this guide but its very confusing as to how we can install it as a local npm pacakge when the zipped Pro files do not even have a package.json for it?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

That issue can occur if you use Vite. For some reason, it doesn’t include DHTMLX Gantt files. So, you will need to add the following configuration to the vite.config.js file:

  optimizeDeps: {
    include: [

Here are the demos:

The Pro versions should have the package.json file. If you don’t have it, please submit a support request via email to discuss that issue. You can find the support email in the letter with the Gantt license.

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Thanks @ramil. You suggestion worked!