Getting y_unit values in Timeline view.


I am trying to get the values for the sections in the timeline view from my database. I have gone over the samples and the forum and I seem to be missing something. I can get it to return something from the database however it is in the wrong format and is not showing up in the schedule.

Here is my JS:

[code] var sections = scheduler.serverList(“sections”);

    name:	"timeline",
    x_unit:	"minute",
    x_date:	"%H:%i",
    x_step:	60,
    x_size: 12,
    x_start: 8,
    x_length:	24,
    y_unit:	sections,
    y_property:	"ID",

scheduler.init('scheduler_here', null, "timeline");



And my PHP:

        $options = new PWPSchedulerOptionsConnector();
        $DataFields = "USRUsers.ID as ID, concat(PPLPeople.FirstName, ' ', PPLPeople.LastName) as label";
        $SQL = "SELECT $DataFields from USRUsers JOIN PPLPeople on USRUsers.PPLPeople_ID = PPLPeople.ID where USRUsers.IsActive = 1";

        $options->render_sql($SQL, "ID", "ID, label");

The response from my server is:

{ "data":[], "collections": {"sections":[<item ID='1' label='jess b'><\/item>\n]}}

which doesn’t look right to me. How can I get it to show up along the side as the sections in timeline view? I need to be able to schedule tasks per employee. What am I missing? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

you need to use JSONOptionsConnector
check following files from scheduler package
in this example connector is used to load ligthbox options, but it will also work for timeline sections

Thank you! That definitely helped since I was using the wrong Connector.

However, I am still having an issue with my render_sql.

[code] $DataFields = “USRUsers.ID as ID, concat(PPLPeople.FirstName, ’ ', PPLPeople.LastName) as name”;
$SQL = “SELECT $DataFields from USRUsers JOIN PPLPeople on USRUsers.PPLPeople_ID = PPLPeople.ID where USRUsers.IsActive = 1”;

    $options->render_sql($SQL, "ID", "ID(value),name(label)");[/code]

This is returning:

{ "data":[], "collections": {"sections":[{"id":"1","value":null,"label":null}]}}

So my resources are showing up as “null”. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my render_sql but I am not sure how to fix it. I have tried a variety of combinations for the fields parameter but nothing seems to be working. Can you please point me in the right direction? Thank you!


    $DataFields = "USRUsers.ID as ID, concat(PPLPeople.FirstName, ' ', PPLPeople.LastName) as name";


    $DataFields = "USRUsers.ID as value, concat(PPLPeople.FirstName, ' ', PPLPeople.LastName) as label";

When using render SQL, and wanting to apply aliases, you need to alias that fields in SQL as well.

Thank you! That worked.