Global Form includin different dhtmlx Types

Hi together

At the moment we use your “free” dhtmlxSuite for testing issues. Now to the question.

We are using dhtmxWindow, dhtmlxLayout (Layout 5H), dhtmlxValut and others. Now we are wondering, if its possible to give all of these products a global form…

Like, if you want to upload some files (with dhtmlxVault), you first have to choose an existing user… if not selected one, the “programm” will force you to select an user and write a message.

then. the next question is…

Is it possible, that after the upload (or during), that we can change the insertet file by, sender-receiptien.filename and also saving into a mysql database?

If this project will get good. We will buy the full suite for further Projects.


R. Gnaedinger


Yes, this workflow you describe above is possible to implement using our Suite. You need to do some JavaScript programming to connect components together. If you need, we can do it for you as a custom project. Please contact us at for the estimation.
It is possible to post-process the uploaded files and even fill some database data. But it all is a custom development and requires additional payments. We are glad to help you with this job.
