Google calendar connection

I use last version of dhtmlx scheduler and Google calendar API V3.
If I only use :


All is Ok. It run correctly.The events are loaded from my database.

If I only use :


All is Ok. The events are loaded from my google calendar.

But if I use the both like that:


Only my Google calendar events are loaded.
Can you tell me, what is the good way, to load the events from my database and from google calendar ?


a) be sure that there is no dupplicate ids in both data feeds
b) there is a separate extension for loading from multiple files … plesources

I tested with the multisource and the problem is the same.
I think it is because the database connector load the events as XML and Google Calendar use JSON.

So, does exist a solution ?

You can replace SchedulerConnector with JSONSchedulerConnector, it has the same API but generates JSON response.