Is it possible to control the background color of a cell based on the cell directly to the right or left of it?
My scenario is as follows: one column contains actual values and a second contains the “ranking” order of those values. I need to color the first ten (rank 1-10) of the values green and the second ten (rank 11-20) in blue. The coloring needs to be present in both columns.
The following function (borrowed from another knowledge base article) changes the color of the rank column:
function eXcell_rank(cell){
if (cell){
this.cell = cell;
this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid;;
this.setValue=function(val) {
if (val<=10)“green”;
else if (val<=20)“cyan”;
this.getValue=function() {
if (this.cell._clearCell)
return “”;
return this.cell.innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim();
eXcell_rank.prototype = new eXcell;
The piece I’m unable to locate in the documentation is how to get the cell immediately left or right of “this.cell”, after which I could write another eXcell function called rankleft or rankright to specify where the ranking column is located.
You can get cell index with var ind=this.cell._cellIndex;