Hey sematik,
DHTMLX avg works as intended. return the average of the sum of column x/row total
For clarification in this example, there are x unique organizations that have widgets that need to meet a specific compliancy. Each organization’s percentage compliant is calculated on the back end by using (Compliant/Widget Total)*100. So, I need the footer to not average current column but rather a function similar to mark: as demonstrated in the below example you requested.
Is it possible to customize the footer content the same as you can with mark? I could not locate if this was possible. I had the same issue in 5.x but I created a function that returned the percentage of the coumns needed to do so. In this case Column 4 (Compliant) and Column 5 (Widget Total)
As requested a working example:
.negative { background: lightcoral; }
.positive { background: #91b496; }
const dashboard_01 = new dhx.Grid("my_dashboard",
{ width: 125, id: "company", header: [{ text: "Company"},{content: "selectFilter"}]},
{ width: 150, id: "organization", header: [{ text: "Organziation" },{ content: "inputFilter" }] },
{ width: 150, id: "non_compliant", header: [{ text: "Non-Compliant" }], footer: [{ content: "sum"}] , type: "number", format: "#" },
{ width: 150, id: "compliant", header: [{ text: "Compliant" }], footer: [{ content: "sum"}], type: "number", format: "#" },
{ width: 150, id: "total", header: [{ text: "Widget Total" }], footer: [{ content: "sum"}], type: "number", format: "#" },
{ width: 180, id: "percent_compliant", header: [{ text: "Percent Compliant",align: "right" } ], footer: [{ content: "avg",align: "right"}], align: "right" },
{ width: 100, id: "trend", header: [{ text: "Trend",align: "right" } ], footer: [{ content: "sum"}],
mark: function (cell, data,row,col)
if (cell < 0) {return cell < 0 ? "negative" : ""}
if (cell > 0) {return cell > 0 ? "positive" : ""}
type: "number", format: "#" }
], selection:"row"
<div style="width: 1000px;height: 400px;" id="my_dashboard"></div>