i m using dhtmlxgrid in my asp.net application. i m parsing grid with xml data source.
in this scenario my xml file has 10 fields (cells) but grid has only 4 fields (columns).
when i parse grid with this xml file, grid always shows first 4 columns… but i want to show
2-4-6-8 th fields from xml file in my grid.
is there any way to do this except hidden columns?
can i add some xpath syntax like an attribute in xml file, to tell this to grid?
thanks in advance…
Default parser will process all cells in their order, without any ability to control proces.
You can
a) define custom parser
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … tloadtypes
b) use code like ( it is not a part of supported functionality, and may have some drawbacks )
return [data[2],data[4]]; //array of necessary data
thanks support…
i ll try it