Grid+Dataprocessor- Force update of a row

I am using Grid and dataprocessor for data updation.
We have a column which is not visible but when the grid row is
clicked its value is displayed in a text box in a dhtmlx form. If the user updates
this value in the form the value in the column using


The column value updates but it’s not submitted to the server to be saved.
The grid declaration is as below:

       stgrid = stLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();  
        stgrid.setHeader("ID,Account Question,Short Title,Master Question,Question Type,Mandatory,Description");
        //stgrid.setColumnHidden(6,true); //hide description column

My Question is :
Is there a way to make the Dataprocessor submit the row for updation when we set the value?
because currently its not updating the server when we change the column value using .setValue()
shown above.


This is expected. Grid will not trigger data saving when row is updated by API
You can use a code like the next to trigger data saving.

grid.cells(id,j).setValue(some); dp.setUpdated(id); //will run data saving for the changed data

With dp.setUpdated(id); it was not working in my case.

But it worked with dp.setUpdated(id, true);