Grid: Dynamic Loading + selectAll()-Method


I use dhtmlxgrid with dynamic loading from a database.
If I use the selectAll-method, it selects only the rows which has been rendered/loaded yet.

After scrolling (and adding/loading the next rows from the db) the new rows are not selected.

My question is:
What is the best way to select automatically the new rows when I called the selectAll-method?
Notice… I did not want to select ALL rows (ids) from the db! Just these which are loaded yet and after scrolling (reloading).

I think a good way would be to call the selectAll-method again after data has been loaded/added to the grid. But for this I need a event from the grid.

Thanks :slight_smile:

For the selecting the row it should be loaded and rendered in the grid.
You may try to control the moment, when the new row is loaded to the grid with the onRowInsert event … event.html

But this is the only suitable event in this case.