I have the following requirement. I have column whose cell value will have complex data. like
non editable text 1
non editable text 2 checkbox
some link
non editable text 3
non editable text 4.
other column has one text field and a checkbox.
a cell with complex data.
i would like to know is it possible to achieve this functionality. i would to know how sorting can work here and i will be sending the data from server as xml how i can represent the data at the server side. When update, or insert of a row takes place how the data will come at the server.
Ashutosh Agarwal.
There are few ways to achieve desired result
Most complex and most flexible - create custom excell, which will control how data represented in grid. In such case you will be able control all aspects.
Most simple and most fast approach - use “ro” column type and specify values as HTML inside XML
non editable text 1
non editable text 2
what are the steps to create custom excell.
Ashutosh Agarwal