Grid Filters with dataconnector

Hi ,

I wanna to improve this code :

   function custom_filter($filter_by)
          $index = $filter_by->index("some_field");
          if ($index!==false)  //there is client side input for the filter

Mine efforts are to do this code with some own rules, of course . I’m seeing that mine rules will be managed by field type of query - varchar , float , int, date and etc. . The main barrier for me is to define this fields types , not directing field names manually as in sample above ( “some_field” ). Can dhtmlx guru to help how to do that ? :slight_smile: . Now I’m sending to php fields or sql query, but don’t know how to retrieve field types from that .

Code :

require_once( "config.php" );
require( "php/codebase/grid_connector.php" );
require( "php/codebase/db_mysqli.php" );

$slc_fld = $_GET[ 'fld' ];
$slc_db  = $_GET[ 'd_b' ];
$slc_arr = explode( ",", $slc_fld );

function grid_serv_filter( $filter_by )
   global $slc_arr;
   $i = 0;
   foreach ( $slc_arr as &$value )
      $index = $filter_by->index( $value );
      if ( $index !== false )
         $cVal  = $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "value" ];

         $type  = mysql_field_type( );	

         // here is the problem - mysql_field_type() retrieve field type from real query ...
         if ( $type == "char" and etc )
            if ( strlen( $cVal ) > 0 )
               $cVal  = $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "value" ];
               if ( substr( $cVal, 0, 1 ) == "%" )
                  $cVal = substr( $cVal, 1 );
               $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "operation" ] = " LIKE ";
               $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "value" ] = $cVal."%";
         if ( $type == numeric and etc )
            include 'num_oper.php';
            $arr  = num_filter( $cVal );
            if ( count( $arr ) > 0 )
               if ( $arr[ 0 ] !== 'nera' )
                  $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "value" ]  = $arr[ 0 ];
               $filter_by->rules[ $index ][ "operation" ] = $arr[ 1 ];
               if ( count( $arr ) == 3 )
                  $filter_by->add( $value, $arr[ 2 ], "<=" );
         ... and etc ...
      $i ++;

$link    = new mysqli( $myServ, $myUser, $myPasw, $myDb );
if ( $link->connect_errno )
   die( 'Prisijungimo klaida : (' . $link->connect_errno . ') ' . $link->connect_error );
$grid = new GridConnector( $link, "MySQLi" );
$grid->dynamic_loading( 100 );
//$grid->enable_log( "temp.log", true );
$slct = new OptionsConnector( $link, "MySQLi" );
$slct->render_sql( "select preke as value, preke as label from prekes where prek_tipas = 'Gaminys' and db = '".$slc_db."' order by preke asc", "", "preke(value),preke(label)" );
$grid->set_options( "preke", $slct );
$grid->event->attach( "beforeFilter", "grid_serv_filter" );
$grid->render_sql( "select ".$slc_fld." from uzsakym where uzsakym.db = '".$slc_db."'", "uzsak", $slc_fld );

At this time is a sample with one table . But in future will be some complex queries with some tables . So I’m emphasizing “query” . Maybe exist a better solution for that , but didn’t found . As for novice with js and php , it’s diccifult to understand so many code of dhtmlx , so any help will be valuable … :slight_smile:

With best regards !