Grid: First page not sending parameters; and paging controls

Trying to use grid (Pro version) in paging mode:

function buildTableX() {

    var srcURL = “…/…/agents/c2/agent_c2picklist_json.php?”;

    var pageSize = 5;

    mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘div_gridbox’);

    var js_dhtmlxGridCodebase = “…/…/Vendors/dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/”;

    mygrid.imgURL = js_dhtmlxGridImgs;

    mygrid.setHeader(“Site, ID, Switch, Unid”);






    //mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true, pageSize);



    mygrid.load(srcURL, “json”);


When the function is called it sends the request_uri of: “/c2/agents/c2/agent_c2picklist_json.php?” (query_string, _GET, and _POST are all blank) with neither paging parameters sent.

If I click on the page 2, button, the request_uri is: “/c2/agents/c2/agent_c2picklist_json.php?&posStart=50&count=5” which looks correct.

How can I make sure the first request sends the query_string parameters?

Now, problem two: Can I customize the paging controls?

What I would like is “<< < 4 5 6 (7) 8 9 10 > >>”

Where the buttons are: first, prev page, n-3, n-2, n-1, n (current, unclickable), n+1, n+2, n+3, next page, last

Finally, does smart rendering help me in this configuration? Can I enable it?

How can I make sure the first request sends the query_string parameters?
The first request is exactly the one as specified in loadXML command ( srcURL )
If necessary you can use
mygrid.load(srcURL+"&posStart=0&count=5", “json”);

>>Now, problem two: Can I customize the paging controls? … custpaging
>>What I would like is
Can be done through custom paging skin creation

>>Finally, does smart rendering help me in this configuration? Can I enable it?
Paging and SmartRendering are mutual exclusive, paging already provides same buffering and caching capabilities so usage of smart rendering will not add any benefits.