Grid - Force Editable Column To Uppercase

I have a grid with an editable column (ed). After the user types something in and leaves the field I would like to turn the text into uppercase. Something like this…

myGrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){
    if (stage == 2)
        var cellObj = myGrid.cellByIndex(myGrid.getRowIndex(rId), cInd);
        cellObj.cell.innerText.toUpperCase(); /* this didn't work */
        cellObj.cell.outerText.toUpperCase(); /* this didn't work */
        cellObj.cell.innerHTML.toUpperCase(); /* this didn't work */
        cellObj.cell.textContent.toUpperCase(); /* this didn't work */
        /* ajax update and other code goes here... */

None of those 4 toUpperCase()'s worked. How can I accomplish this?

Please, try to use:

myGrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){ if (stage == 2) { myGrid.cells(rid,cind).setValue(nvalue.toUpperCase()) } });

That worked. Thanks!