I want to do the following using XML
The following works but I cannot find out how to pass the 2nd parameter (specifying a stat_total) using XML
Can you tell me how to pass the 2nd parameter (string array) to the command groupBy using xml call command?
Thank you.
All parameters passed through XML to a method are treated as strings. As long as there is no way to represent array as single string, there is no way to pass array through call/param tag. But you can add your own wrapper for groupBy method, which will expect string:
var ar = Array();
for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++)
ar[ar.length] = arguments[i];
this. groupBy(arguments[0],ar)
And in call tag use groupBy_wrp. All parameters after the first one will be treated as array members
<call command=� groupBy_wrp�>1#title#title