Grid Header align issue

I’m using the grid header’s sort function.

In the case of existing align = “center”, it is applied normally.

However, the header with ‘colspan’ applied does not work normally.

Finally, “left” and “right” work normally.

Only the “center” is the problem.

Example Code)

var grid = new dhx.Grid(“tblGrid”, {
columns: [
{ width: 100, id: “work”, header: [{ text: “work”,colspan : 5,align :“center”},{text:“name”,rowspan:2}] },
{ width: 100, id: “first”, header: ["",{ text: “first”,colspan:2 },{ text: “start” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “endF”, header: ["","",{ text: “end” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “second”, header: ["",{ text: “second” ,colspan:2},{ text: “start” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “endS”, header: ["","",{ text: “end” }] }

I apologize for the delay with the reply.
The porblem is confirmed and we’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.

We have fixed your reported problem in the latest dhx.Suite update (7.1.9).