I’m using the grid header’s sort function.
In the case of existing align = “center”, it is applied normally.
However, the header with ‘colspan’ applied does not work normally.
Finally, “left” and “right” work normally.
Only the “center” is the problem.
Example Code)
var grid = new dhx.Grid(“tblGrid”, {
columns: [
{ width: 100, id: “work”, header: [{ text: “work”,colspan : 5,align :“center”},{text:“name”,rowspan:2}] },
{ width: 100, id: “first”, header: ["",{ text: “first”,colspan:2 },{ text: “start” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “endF”, header: ["","",{ text: “end” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “second”, header: ["",{ text: “second” ,colspan:2},{ text: “start” }] },
{ width: 100, id: “endS”, header: ["","",{ text: “end” }] }