I have created a function that creates a layout and another to creates a grid in that layout however the Grid height and with properties values get ignored.
The functions in the snippet are somewhat simplified but there is enough there to show the issue I’m having.
I’ve setup a snippet and even in the PRO version they are ignored.
This is the expected behavior in case of placing a grid to the layout cell: In this case the component takes the size of the layout cell. If you need to change the sizes of your grid you should change the sizes of your layout cell accordingly to the needed sizes.
Thanks @sematik I have adjusted my code accordingly, however I remember in version 5 we were able to set the size and height of a grid attached to a layout cell.
Thanks @sematik I have adjusted my code accordingly, however I remember in version 5 we were able to set the size and height of a grid attached to a layout cell.
In the dhtmlxSuite 5 the behavior was the similar in case of attaching a grid with the attachGrid() mtehod: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/layout__attach_components.html
In both builds you are able to attach a div container to your layout cell:
with the needed sizes, and then place the grid to this container.
I tried to set the Layout cell width and height to content but that doesn’t work. for some reason the cell does not auto-size to the grid.
Grid component requires to have a defined height for its container, otherwise after the initialization its height will be “0”.
“content” property can be applied only to the components like Form, Toolbar or Menu - which have the strict sizes according to the configured controls sizes.
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