Grid / how to get the "idd" value from a row


I would like to know how I can get to the “idd” propoerty of a row (“tr” object, like “tr.ev_light”) ?

I’ll have to do some customisation after using “Groupby()”, but I don’t know how to access to some properties like this one (I’m not enough experienced in html / javascript may be).



You can try to get row’s id by the following approach:

    var id = row_obj.idd;

In fact, I would like to know how I can get the “structure” / “hierarchy” of these objects, I mean the way to access to some “childs” of grid object; something like:
" the_grid->grid__body->Rows->Row[x]->…etc"
Looking at the DOM with the “firebug” tool in firefox, I can see these particular objects and properties but I don’t know how to reach them.
It seems somethimes easy, as I can find some header cells like “grid.hdr.rows[1].cells[4]”, but not for all the part of the grid.


The API of grid hides the inner collections, so you need not have access to them to execute any API operation.
Technically there are 3 inner collections
grid.rowsAr - id => row
grid.rowBuffer - real index = > row
grid.rowsCol - visible index => row

each row has two mandatory properties
row.idd - row id
row._attrs - collection of all other grid specific attributes

Those collection can be used to locate necessary rows in grid.
The header rows has not any inner refferences
grid.hdr - HTML table of header part
grid.obj - HTML table of data part

In case of split the right part of grid is a separate grid instance , which can be accessed as

I can get the “structure” / “hierarchy” of these objects
The order of plain grid defined by order in rowsBuffer collection ( it has more complex storage in case of treeGrid )
In case of grouping , there are grid._groups collection, which contains info about groups in grid

In most cases , the customization can be done through public API, can you please provide more info which effect you want to achieve

Thanks for your answer,

It’s very interesting.

I have, for the moment,  an additionnal checkBox in the group_row in order to select/unselect “children rows” of this group (but the idea was to be able to put/use any object in that part),  an additionnal text displayed with the text of the group (depending on “dynamic conditions” / “dynamic values”).

But nothing very “clean” for the moment, I still have few problems when the group is collapsed/expanded, but not in all cases so in fact - for me - it’s more difficult to understand why …

I’ll take a look at the collections you detailled, thanks, may be it could help me, anyway.


Unfortunately the groups in grid is more a special view than strict structure.
You can “do something for group” as

if (grid.cells(id,grindex).getValue()==grvalue){
//do something
// id - id of row in group
grid.cells(id,0).setValue(1); //set checkbox

grindex - index by which grid grouped
grvalue - group value

The more fast but not so “legal” way to process group will be

var row = grid._groups[grvalue].row; //row object, which hold group information
var ind=grid.rowsCol._dhx_find(z.row)+1;
while(grid.rowsCol[ind] && !grid.rowsCol[ind]._cntr){
// do anything
grid.cells(grid.rowsCol[ind].idd,0).setValue(1);//set checkbox



It sounds really nice, I’m going to try something like that and will let you know if I get better things that I’ve now.

Really thank you, I don’t think I’ll have found the “_groups[…]” idea alone.
