Grid: Loading data from a servlet, gzip compressed


I am trying to load xml data to a grid from a servlet woth grid.loadXML(servletUrl)

I am gzipping the data in the servlet and on the grid I get ‘Incorrect XML’ alert.

Any hints?



>>I am gzipping the data in the servlet and on the grid I get ‘Incorrect XML’ alert.
Is the same data works correctly if used without gzipping?

The reason of such error could be:

1) XML data is invalid ( invalid structure of XML );
if some kind of server side error occurs, error or debug output may break valid xml data;
2) invalid content type ( must be a text/xml for XML data );
3) whitespaces before <?xml output;
4) not escaped special characters, such as &, <, >;
5) incorrect encoding of data.

1) use debug version of dhtmlxcommon.js , which will show extended error info;
2) load the same URL in separate browser window - it will show reason and location of error;
3) correctly escape special characters in XML data.

I am sorry, my wrong. I had an invalid char in the xml. 
Got it right when I specified encoding for the xml.
