grid pagination

Hello Folks,

I am trying to get the pagination controls and page state information to show up at the bottom of a grid. This is what I have so far:

  1. create a layout inside a div container.
  2. attach a grid to the layout and populate it using an xml object.
  3. enable pagination: with: grid.enablePaging(true, 20, “pagingControls”, true, “pagingState”);

I have tried adding the pagingControls and pagingState elements as spans next to the container div, i.e:

and I have tried adding them to the grid footer using:

grid.attachFooter("<span id=“pagingControls”><span id=“pagingState”>");

and neither method works, although I can see the spans in the grid footer using firebug.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Here you can find a tutorial about attaching grid with paging to other dhtmlx-components: … components