Grid Performace Issue

Using suite_7.3.11_commercial
I have a web page which contains Grid component, search bar which filters grid data, and a paging component to go back and forth on grid data.
Grid is getting slow when load it with thousand of records. what will be best possible solution for this as i have tried lazyDataProxy but it did not provide me sorting mechanism with grid?

Requirement : Grid with fast loading, Sorting, Filtration and paging.

Hi ayaz,

Can you be more precise about “Grid is getting slow when load” (timing, setup, etc…)

In my case :

  • initial loading is 14 secs without lazy loading for 54000 rows with many columns (more than 30)
  • grid filtering (quite all columns) is very quick

If your issue is on loading :

  • try to distinguish:
    - the full request duration (sql + json conversion)
    - the network transfert duration
    - the grid suite duration

In my personal use case (8.0.2) :

  • for the request duration, after sql request optimisation, the production environment was also significantly faster.
  • for the network duration, i updated my jetty config for applying gzip (very useful if slow network, like vpn)
  • for the grid, some functions are costly, like having many footer calculation, or autowidth, autosize

hope this may help, cheers

Could you please, provide a complete demo, demo link or a code snippet with your testing dataset.
Grid with a thousand of records should render really quick.
Here is the example with 100k records and 20 columns with the header filters: