Currently i have my grid with multiple columns and rows. I am able to generate this columns and rows. But scroll property can be set for x or y(not both). So if i will set x, it will scroll horizontally but no vertical scrolling. One more issue is, if i set horizontal scrolling, headers are not scrolling along with the columns.
Below is my code:
dhx.ui({container: “grid_container”, rows: [{id: “my_grid”,view: “grid”,select: “multiselect”,scroll:“y”,datatype: “xml”,url: “Data.xml”}] });
$$(‘my_grid’).define(“fields”,[{id:‘DepartmentCode’,label:‘Department Code’, width:‘400’},{id:‘DepartmentDescription’,label:‘Department Description’, gravity:‘1’},{id:‘NetSales’,label:‘Net Sales’, gravity:‘1’},{id:‘SalesTarget’,label:‘Sales Target’, width:‘120’},{id:‘ActualToTargetSalesPercentage’,label:‘Actual To Target Sales %’, width:‘240’},{id:‘NetSalesLY’,label:‘Net Sales LY’, width:‘120’},{id:‘SalesTargetLY’,label:‘Sales Target LY’, width:‘150’},{id:‘ActualToTargetSalesLYPercentage’,label:‘Actual To Target Sales LY %’, width:‘270’},{id:‘YOYNetSalesGrowthPercentage’,label:‘YOY Net Sales Growth %’, width:‘220’},{id:‘YOYActuaTolargetSalePercentageVariance’,label:‘YOY Actual To Target Sale % Variance’, width:‘360’}]");
I was trying for all possible combinations of these properties, but no luck. Your help will be really appreciated.