I have a grid with selection config set to ‘complex’ which works fine.
But whenever i show a popup on the grid, the current selection gets lost. I think this is a bug.
Unfortunately the problem cannot be reconstructed locally.
Could you please, clarify your problem with some kind of link/demo or e the using code.
To reproduce this open sample on https://docs.dhtmlx.com/suite/samples/grid/04_customization/04_custom_selection.html
Open browser console and enter following code:
grid.selection.setCell(1, ‘country’)
window.win_popup = new dhx.Window({
modal: true,
closable: true,
title: ‘Test’,
resizable: false,
header: false,
footer: true,
width: 350,
height: 300,
minWidth: 250,
minHeight: 250
var formConfig = {
rows: [
type: ‘textarea’,
id: 123,
name: 123,
label: ‘Notiz’,
placeholder: ‘Bitte Notiz eingeben’,
height: ‘100px’,
required: true
window.win_popup.attach(new dhx.Form(null, formConfig))
This will select cell “China” in the first row and opens a popup.
Now click somewhere in the form that has popped up and watch cell “China” in the background.
The selection gets lost and remains lost even after closing the form.
Same issue here.
If I select one row and then click outside the grid, the row is unselected.
I apologize for the delay wit hthe reply.
The problem is confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in the future updates.
Thank you all for the reprort, we’ll try to do our best.
The problem is fxed in the 6.4.3 version:
Please, try to update your dhtmlxGrid to check the fix in your application.
Works fine with 6.4.3 and 6.4.4
Thank you for fixing the error!