Unfortunately issue can’t be reconstructed locally.
If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be reconstructed.
You didn’t initialized the sub grid.
In the working example from my previous post you can see that sub grid is initialized from xml.
Also aas you can sse in the same example if you add the sub grid into the firct cell of a row in that cell you will see the “+” sign. The sub grid will be shown in the next (second) cell of a row.
In your xml you add the sub grid into the last cell of a row. So there is no place for a subgrid.
Could you please clarify your question.
You may use the onSubgridCreated event: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/api__dhtmlxgrid_onsubgridcreated_event.html
to control and configure your subgrid creation.
Also you may use the “sub_row_ajax” column type allowing to place the html-page as the subrow of your grid.
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