Grid to Excel - Java


I’ve a problem with export excel.

I can not run the example that is on this page:

Could you tell me how successful realise this export step by step.


I can not run the example that is on this page:
Any problem with war file deploying?
Errors during execution? ( please post the error’s stack trace in such case )

The first problem is that the project is in zip format and not war.
Can you tell me how to install it in eclipse for sure not to make mistakes?

I will post the error’s stack trace tomorrow.

the error’s stack trace:



Etat HTTP 404 - /XML2Excel/generate

type Rapport d’état
message /XML2Excel/generate
description La ressource demandée (/XML2Excel/generate) n’est pas disponible.

Apache Tomcat/6.0.20

java version: 1.6.0_24

The first problem is that the project is in zip format and not war.
WAR file can be taken from … 2Excel.war

Thanks, I have already dowload this file, but it’s a ZIP file and not WAR file

Actually it is WAR file, which was generated by Eclipse
Not quite sure what its missing.

I solved the problem by installing the latest version of tomcat, jdk and eclipse.

But there are two small problems:

-when I export a grid that contains a lot of columns, the columns of the excel file have not the same width as the original.
-colors are not the same as the original.

Problems with colors is a known issue and already fixed locally, updated files will be available in the nearest time.

As for column width - it must be proportional to the width of related column in the html view.
“a lot of columns” - what is exact column count in the problematic case?

There are 34 columns.