Grid view in lightbox


Is there a possibility to implement/move my grid view in the lightbox ?
If it’s possible, how I can do it ?


everything displayed inside a built-in lightbox must implement form-block interface described here - … ditor.html
So, while there is no way to move scheduler grid view into the lightbox, if you implement or wrap some kind of grid into the form-block interface you’ll be able to add it to lightbox using scheduler.config.lightbox.sections config.

Alternatively, you can create a custom popup … _form.html and display anything you need inside of it.

Thanks for your reponse.
I am gonna do the second alternative later.

So, it’s okey if I proceed like that ? :


scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [ { name: "template", height: 300, type: "template", map_to: "my_template" } ];


scheduler.locale.labels.section_template = 'Summary'; //Name of the section scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeLightbox", function (id) { var ev = scheduler.getEvent(id); ev.my_template = scheduler.createGridView({ name: "grid", fields:[ //defines columns of the grid { id:"id", label: 'Id', width: 180, sort:'int'}, { id:"text", label: 'Description', sort:'str', width: 570}, { id:"start_date", label: 'Start date', align: 'left', width: 300, sort:'date'}, { id: "end_date", label: 'End date', align: 'left', width: 300, sort: 'date' }, { id: "dhx_delete_btn", label: 'Delete', align: 'right', width: 40 } ], unit : 'year', paging: true, //navigation with button select: true, //select event in grid }) return true; });

I don’t think that’s going to work.
Template control expects the map_to property to contain html string that will be injected into lightbox, while scheduler.createGridView returns void - so from this code you’ll probably get an ‘undefined’ label inside a control
I can’t see any easy way to reuse the built-in grid view inside a lightbox, or to display it inside a custom container. So you’ll either need to code something custom or use some third party grid widget

Hi, thanks you for your information, it helps me a lot !