grid with auto complete cell


I want to plug in autocomplete (filtering) functionality into cell of dhtmlxgrid.

Then,if i type ‘k’ in cell of grid,grid show start with ‘k’ character word loading from server dynamically(XML),for example koala,karade etc…

Presently i am using 1.5 pro version . Is it possible?.

As per example shown here didnot gave good idea how to plug in the combo cell in to dhtmlxgrid.

Can i use the following to achieve the same?

1) Declare the “co” cell

2)combo= mygrid.getCombo(cellindex);

3) combo.setEnableAutoFilteringMode(true,,true);

Can i restrict combo to fetch the data from server only after user enter 3 characters ?. not single character.

it will be great if you provide me good example or code snippets.



I want to plug in autocomplete (filtering) functionality into cell of dhtmlxgrid.
It can be done with “combo” excell type. Please find example here … ll_combo&s[]=combo