grid with combo

dear support,

i am using the dhtmlx grid with containing three columns. first one is reset , second column no , third column combo.

In first column am using the empty cell and when click on that i catch the onclick event.

1. how i put the button instead of empty cell.

2.when i add the string in the empty cell the onclick event will not fired.

3.In third column am used the coro type.when i changed the combo the whole row was is continued in the further selection.

4.The less data in the grid the horizontal scrool bar will not shown. how can i show with hiding mode…



The grid accepts HTML based values, so you can create any HTML content inside cell

>>2.when i add the string in the empty cell the onclick event will not fired.
I’m not sure how onclick event attached in your case, but you can use native grid event instead of custom onclick events
          //code here will be called for any onclick event in grid
          // id - ID or related row
          // ind - index of related column

>>when i changed the combo the whole row was selected
When you edit any cell inside row it switched to selected state automatically. ( This is not applied to such API call as grid.cells(i,j).setValue() - which not change selection in grid )