Grid with subGrid - problem with sorting


I have 2 grids: master and subgrid joined by


Column 1 in sub grid contains key and column 3 has labels inside.

In master grid I have filter #text_filter in header but filtering works on keys instead of displayed labels.

My question is: how can I fiter grid type column by labels?

Add following code to the main grid initialization:


return true;
return true;

I guess the same will fix sorting (but other event)?

Would You change default behavior in next realase?

We will try to fix it as soon as possible

Suggested fix will not fix #select_filter filter type.

Is there any way to use #select_filter filter in this cases?

By using above code it possible to intercept and affect any filtering call, including #select_filter
But in case of #select_filter the custom logic need to be added to list of options building, which is not covered by above code.

Unfortunately that functionality can’t be extended through event, can be done only by code modification.