Here is my MS SQL query which works in MS Database Manager but not when applied to the dhtmx grid handler
SELECT BookingsID, Areas_1.aName AS AreaFrom, Areas.aName AS AreaTo, Vehicles.Code as VehCode, Vehicles.Rego as VehRego, Vehicles.Name as VehName, Vehicles.Description as VehDescription FROM Areas AS Areas_1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN Areas RIGHT OUTER JOIN Customer INNER JOIN Bookings ON Customer.CustomerID = Bookings.CustomerID ON Areas.AreaID = Bookings.AreaToID ON Areas_1.AreaID = Bookings.AreaFromID LEFT OUTER JOIN Vehicles ON Bookings.PickupVehicle = Vehicles.ID
The AreaFrom, AreaTo, and Vehicles are lookup to tables
This should produce
1234, Auckalnd, Wellington, Car7
I simplified the query to lookup only vehicle, and this worked. But looking up Area would not work.
Please help, I simply want a view of data (not editable) from more then 1 table.
>> Here is my MS SQL query which works in MS Database Manager but not when applied to the dhtmx grid handler
What did you mean ?
How with request is applied to grid ?