I have a repro example snippet of code as posted below.
When I use the dhx.ready method to load my grouplist, there are entries in the list but the are black, they have no title:
When I switch to using the jquery $(document).ready method, my grouplist is displayed correctly:
Attached is some code to reproduce this. Note where I have the jquery and dhx ready methods at line 17 and 18. Alternate between these to see the unusual behaviour.
<script src="codebase/touchui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="codebase/dhxscheduler_mobile.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Build up and initialise our UI
function DefineUI() {
/* our menu definitions */
var studentsMenu = [{ id: "addStudentItem", type: "file", name: "Add student" },
{ id: "searchStudentsItem", type: "file", name: "Search students"}];
var appointmentsMenu = [{ id: "bookAppointmentItem", type: "file", name: "Book appointment" },
{ id: "viewAppointmentsItems", type: "file", name: "View appointments"}];
var productsMenu = [{ id: "buyProductItem", type: "file", name: "Buy Product" },
{ id: "viewProductsItem", type: "file", name: "View Products"}];
var menuList = [
{ id: "studentGroup", type: "folder", title: "Students", item: studentsMenu },
{ id: "appointmentGroup", type: "folder", title: "Appointments", item: appointmentsMenu },
{ id: "productsGroup", type: "folder", title: "Products", item: productsMenu }
function DefineMenuList() {
var menu = {
view: "grouplist",
id: "menuList",
select: true, // activate the possibility to choose a data item
datatype: "json", // the type of data
data: menuList,
type: {
templateItem: "#name#",
templateGroup: "#title#",
templateBack: "Back"
return menu;
Any ideas what is going on? I have to use the dhx.ready method because the scheduler will not initialise properly without it.