In Dhtmlx we realized that duartion can be calculated start to end or start duration or duration to end based on perfrence however we would like count the start to date as 1 not zero.
I Sow in many questions the answer is to change the display. Then, there will be the problem of exporting to xml MS Project or XML PM6 it will have conflict when it passes through Api and reault to incoherent output.
Is there any round about it
It is diffeent in MS project
Unfortunately, when we upload from MS project to DHTMLX Ganett the duration is calculated automatically because we don’t wnat to change the grid time slots
Any suggestions of how to add this day in calculation without playing with start or end date
var dateEditor =;
gantt.config.duration_unit = "day";
gantt.config.work_time = true;
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 1, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 2, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 3, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 4, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 5, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 6, hours: true});
gantt.setWorkTime({day : 7, hours: true});
gantt.config.columns = [
{name: "text", label: "Name", tree: true, width: 200, editor: textEditor, resize: true},
{name: "duration", label: "Duration", width:80, align: "center", editor: durationEditor, resize: true},
{name: "start_date", label: "Start", width:140, align: "center", editor: startDateEditor, resize: true},
{name: "end_date", label: "Finish", width:140, align: "center", editor: endDateEditor, resize: true}
gantt.calculateEndDate({start_date: new Date("2022/01/13"), duration:5});
console.log(gantt.calculateDuration({start_date: new Date("2022/01/13"), end_date: new Date("2022/01/15")}));