Header problem migrating from v6.0.5 to v7.1.0


I have a problem with the order of the items in the header.

the same code generate this in each version.




this.scheduler.config.header = [
        html: "Nouvel évènement",
        click: () => {
        html: "+", click: () => { this.zoomIn(); },
        html: "-", click: () => { this.zoomOut(); },
        html: "<i class='fa-regular fa-file-pdf ribbonicon'></i>&nbsp;PDF",
        click: () => {
                name: "myscheduler.pdf",
                format: "A1",
                orientation: "landscape"
        html: "<i class='fa-solid fa-up-right-and-down-left-from-center fa-xl'></i>&nbsp;BASCULER AFFICHAGE",
        click: () => { this.changeFullScreen() },

How can I order my header elements ?


Hello @David-TS,

I tried to reproduce the described issue with header, but it worked correctly, here is a demo:

As I can see, it looks pretty the same that you had in v6.x.

It’s hard to suppose what exactly causes the issue without more details, could you please reproduce it in the demo above(open the demo => reproduce the issue => click the “Save” button => send me the new link)?

Kind regards,

Thank you for your time.

Here is a repro :

I only added
this.scheduler.skin = ‘material’;

using the default skin until a fix is released

Hello @David-TS ,

Thank you for the details, it’s really an issue with “flat” and “material” skins on our end, and the dev team already works on a fix. Thank you for notifying us.

Kind regards,