Header size increasing

Hi, I have the following code to create a time line view with second scale

                            name: "@SchedulerViewType.timeline.ToString()",
                            x_unit: "hour",
                            x_date: "%g%a",
                            x_step: 1,
                            x_size: 24 * 5 / 1,
                            x_length: 24 * 7 / 1,
                            y_unit: units,
                            y_property: "primaryKey",
                            render: "bar",
                            second_scale: {
                                x_unit: "day",
                                x_date: "%M-%d"

But, each time I click on next/prev, the header size increases. Could you please help me identify the issue.

it doesn’t seem to happen in our demos (e.g. docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/sampl … scale.html ), can you send a complete demo?